Movement, Stretching and Breathing Sessions
Kristin Weber has been leading Movement, Stretching and Breathing sessions for a month now. Imagine Art artists, staff, and AmeriCorps members interested in attending can benefit from the power of movement. Starting at 10 a.m. on Friday mornings, these activities rejuvenate and inspire. Mats are provided.
Kristin also has an Instagram @comebenow. She kindly agreed to answer these questions for this blog post.
Kristin in a seated pose.
How did the idea for offering Movement, Stretching and Breathing sessions come about?
It felt like a natural progression stemming from the momentum of my involvement at Imagine Art. Since moving to Austin from Chicago earlier this year, I began volunteering my time to provide the organization valuable content through video and photography. My documentation of this beautiful place and the gorgeous people here has opened my heart with a desire to give more of myself in areas of personal expertise.
I have a strong fitness background, a 200 RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) Yoga Certification and a deep passion for leading a mind/body practice. I approached Amy Utter, the Art Director, with the idea and she enthusiastically encouraged my concept.
Peace loving John Molina after the session.
That is what I love about Imagine Art. It is filled with passionate souls with drive and ambition for growth. It is an honor to work alongside Amy and her endeavors with the Without Walls Program to expand the community. And the fabulous Catherine Corder is offering a weekly talk session, Healing Creations: The Art of Independence.
I have observed the loving guidance that the individuals from AmeriCorps offer artists as they encourage them and bring meaning to the work. To be a part of this collaboration is deeply meaningful to me. I feel like a wave of wonderful things will stem from the soul of these connections. And what a beautiful thing that is.
How will artists benefit from this activity?
David, John, Christina and Shon are reaching for a Triangle Pose.
I believe in the power of movement. It is so healthy to bring awareness to the body and to move and breathe with intention. We hold so much inside and it is important to release, detox and make room for peace. When you challenge the body, you challenge the mind.
The simple act of moving the physical body can create waves of internal breakthrough. There is great room to broaden potential when we try new things. Each week I offer different ways to expand the group, with the goal always to create the most space for joy.
The movement goes hand and hand with the breathwork for optimal oxygen to the blood. This has so many proven benefits.
This work is collective as we learn about each other through the process. I like to foster personal development as well as unified achievement for there is phenomenal power and safety born from the sense of belonging. In short, the benefits are endless!
What is most rewarding about leading the sessions?
Calling out instructions
The joy I see on the faces and in the hearts of the artists. I see so much beauty at work here. I am so grateful to God for presenting me with this opportunity.
What are some of the opportunities?
We have a diverse group with various levels of attention and physical range. It’s such a lovely invitation to dream and exercise the imagination, to create playful moments. A chance to be childlike and enjoy things as they are, right here, right now. What a unique blessing to move about these limitations and greet unpredictability with whimsy in this act of gathering. A call to all of our hearts to respond lightly and with grace.
What kind of feedback have you received from the artists?
Feedback is that they are coming back. I say this with a huge smile on my face. I feel their hearts. I know they want to be a part of this with me. And I believe in each and every one of them. I just started a journaling element at the end of class, and from what I have read, this is a place they look forward to coming. I love this work.
A resting pose, when the session ends.
(photo credits Vanessa Curiel)