Equity Group
Over the last couple of months, Imagine Art has developed and implemented an Equity Group. The Equity Group is committed to upholding the tenets of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Imagine Art through learning and building together. The Equity Group is a brave and safe space in which questions regarding anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-ableism, and other forms of discrimination can be explored. These explorations strive to create a culture of asking important questions in order to create a more equitable environment for all, interpersonally, organizationally, and systemically. The Equity Group hopes to be a resource in regards to aspects of DEI in programs, initiatives, and practices within Imagine Art and are working on opening up meetings to artists and community members who are interested in participating in this group.
A special thanks to the OneStar Foundation for building our DEI library where you can borrow books that will deepen our connection as a community while growing our knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion. More information about books and meeting times to come!