Statement of Faith
We believe in the God of the Bible. We acknowledge that this same God has called us to our vision and mission (Isaiah 61). We desire to be filled by the Holy Spirit, so that we can be sent out as creative catalysts - bringing hope and transformation to people with disabilities and the systems that serve them. We believe in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ to heal, to renew and to restore life. We do this work for the glory of God, who loves justice and hates wrongdoing. The spiritual foundation on which we operate follows the ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ and is led by the work of the Holy Spirit.
Our Faith in Action.
Workforce Diversity
Imagine Art values a diverse workforce and we recognized that many are attracted to the presence of the Holy Spirit that is demonstrated in our people and in our operations. We recognize the opportunity for ministry to extend beyond our work with the artists and for ministry to impact the lives of others who choose to call Imagine Art their ‘place’.
Faith In Action
Many people with disabilities are disconnected from faith communiites, finding it difficult to attend, to engage and connect. Many are wounded from past experiences with the church. Imagine Art is a spirit filled community that is called by God to welcome and love on this unique people group. The presence of God is inside the people of Imagine Art and he hovers over our places.