Justine and Jonathan Help IA Meet the Challenge
As artists, teachers, and collaborators within Imagine Art's realm, Jonathan Baker and Justine Nolt rarely miss an opportunity to lend a helping hand. Although on different art instructional teams, you can generally find these two working together on some installation, presentation or workshop with other Members. Most recently, they joined up with Bryanna, David, Rick, Jonna, Vic and the rest of the AmeriCorps crew setting up the the Peace Poles and Ceramics Exhibition at St. Luke United Methodist Church.
During the three day totem workshops, for the Peace Pole project, they prepared clay for participants and helped them, along with others from Imagine Art, assemble then stain their totems. The two did their part to enhance the AmeriCorps brand in the Clarksville community as an organization that gets things done.
They celebrated the joint community project between Imagine Art and the church by showcasing their own ceramic pieces in the St. Luke Ceramics Exhibition. Justine presented her extra-large themed clay ware and utensils for Era of Giants. This ensemble is entitled, Full in Two Bites. Jon gave a humble nod to the ultimate judge of fired clay by displaying his miniature piece, Kiln God.
On the verge of completing their first service-year as artists-in-residence at Imagine Art, Jon and Justine’s primary obligation is to their students. Read below to learn more about their approaches to teaching other artists.
Jonathan Baker
Unassuming, hardworking and down-to-earth best describe Jon, a member of the ceramics team. As an artist his main sources of inspiration come from observing nature and animals.
Rubber Ducky Regatta
Ink Jet Print Poster
It also folds into a book that explores some of the Rubber Ducky’s greatest moments in history.
“I'd like to think I'm good at encouraging others through obstacles they might be facing in their artwork.”
He believes art gives us the opportunity to do whatever we want. Our imagination is the only limit.
Excited to begin working as an artist-in-residence at Imagine Art, he uses art-making to help improve others' lives the way it's helped to improve his!
The opportunity to share and offer knowledge of the clay medium, and to help Artists create what they want is what convinced him to become an Imagine Art teacher.
He thinks virtual figure drawing would be fun as an artist op!
Justine Nolt
This vibrant member of the textile team is extremely creative, as well as a good collaborator. Her art is inspired by a love of bold colors and the desire to create unique art that she would hang in her own house.
The Unbelievable French Pastry Living Under My Bathroom Sink
Mixed-Media (yarn, knitted swatches, and pottery)
24x36 inches
“I am dedicated to having fun and experimenting with new mediums as well as fostering a sense of independence in artists.”
Leading her first class in polymer bead making is memorable because it went surprisingly well, and gave Justine the confidence to teach future classes. She hopes to show artists new skills they can get excited about and continue practicing on their own.
She sought the artist-in-residence position at Imagine Art with hopes of stepping into future art jobs.
The textile team’s goal is to make a collaborative quilt and encourage artists to make larger, long term projects.
Some future artists’ ops might be blot out poetry, collage, and clothing modification with bleach.